Best Tips for High Scores in the PTE Core Exam

PTE Core

PTE Core is an English language test that assesses the test taker’s ability to read, listen, speak and write the language. The test is taken by those who want to move abroad. Since the PTE Core evaluates your understanding of the language, a few tips to help you study and take the test smoothly are always welcome.

Tips For a High Score in the PTE Core Exam

The highest score you can attain in a PTE core exam is 90. However, a score between 75 to 90 can also be considered a high score. If your goal is to attain high scores on the exam, then here are a few tips that will make preparing and taking the test: 

1. Understand the Format 

Before starting your preparations, you should thoroughly study the PTE structure. The two-hour test is divided into four segments: 

  • speaking and writing sections are allotted 50 minutes  
  • 30 minutes are granted for reading and listening, to each.

Note: For a better understanding of the format, you can have a look at the Pearson website to get a complete picture of the exam and its format. The Pearson website also offers helpful tips and study material to help you get started. 

2. Make a Study Plan 

Know how the PTE exam is formatted? Well, the next step is to craft your study plan. Studying will come after you know how to study. A study plan will help you target different areas of the study materials and help you utilise your time better. What’s more, when you sit down to make your own study plan, you will go through what you need to study, precisely pick the time to study and have an idea when you will be done with everything you need to study. 

Also, if you take PTE online classes or in person, a study plan will help you absorb the information in classes better, leave room for you to finish the assignments and help you do better in practice tests. 

3. Time Management 

Timing yourself as you take tests is important. Time management is a skill that will benefit you in multiple ways. A PTE core exam is all about managing your time well. The three sections of the exam have different times, which is why this skill will help you. Apart from this, the skill will help you attempt the exam stress-free. To polish your time management skills, you can take a few tests, assignments, and mock tests!  

4. Prepare Section-wise 

Apart from making a study plan take a deeper look at it. Tweak your study plan to fit the different sections of the exam. Doing so helps you focus on the parts of the exam. Also, section-wise study sessions will help you to understand which sections need more attention. Here are a few section-centric tips to help you study better: 

PTE Core Listening Tips:

  1. Before your exam, get a good grasp on different kinds of accents. Try watching movies, and listening to songs and podcasts from different countries to get a good hold of the accents.
  2. Improve your note-taking skills. During your listening sessions, you will have to take notes to answer the questions. Learning how to pay close attention to the spoken sentences while taking notes will help you attempt the questions better.
  3. Another skill to improve is “paraphrasing.” The PTE core listening section’s questions are usually centred around paraphrasing what you hear.

PTE Core Reading Tips:

  1. Get better at reading blocks of text. The only way to get better at reading is reading. Try using different materials, start with easy materials, and gradually move on to complex things. Reading books, magazines and newspapers will help. 
  2. Master the art of skimming and scanning when you read. When you look for specific information, it is called scanning but when you’re reading and see information that is not relevant, you skip to the important parts, that is skimming. 
  3. You will also find reordering paragraph questions in your exam, which is why practising reordering paras will help you. Practise rephrasing, using simpler or more complex sentences to reorder the written text.

PTE Core Writing

  1. For the writing section, understand the kind of questions you will be asked, this will help you attempt the section better. You will have a question on writing a summary and an email. 
  2. Practise writing clear and precise statements. To make sure that you score well, your written content should not only make sense but should also be coherent. Writing, summarising and then rechecking the written matter will help you write better. 
  3. Make sure your grammar is on-point. Good grammar and vocabulary make your written matter sound better. Additionally, it will help you when you are paraphrasing, because it will help you use better words to express what you want. 

PTE Core Speaking:

  1. Practise pronunciations, this will help you enunciate the words clearly. Your goal should be to attain fluency. 
  2. To improve your verbal proficiency, try speaking in English language with your friends and family. 
  3. Focus on your listening and speaking skills, this will improve your control over the language drastically. 

EnglishWise: PTE Core Classes for Good Results

If your goal is to score high on your PTE exam, then only preparing diligently is not enough. Tips can help you prepare better, but will not give you assured results, only a trainer will. Joining a coaching center for your upcoming PTE classes will give you a good support system and clear pointers, tailored just for you. 

EnglishWise is a coaching centre that prepares its students for success! With over 20,000+ successful students, they are confident that they will set you up for success too. To book a session or get information, call them at 971552419200 or at 585772241.