How to Delete a WhatsApp Group on iPhone or Android

How to Delete a WhatsApp Group

When you are looking to delete a group on the Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or other social media site, there are numerous ways in which you can do so. Here, we will try to explain how to delete a whatsapp group on your phone using ios settings or android settings.

There are several apps that allow us to manage our facebook group on any device like for example Facebooster, Facebooster 5, etc. Even if you do not want to use such applications, it is possible to delete some groups through these methods. Here we have listed several options that might be helpful in this case. Also Read – WhatsApp And Facebook Now Have Different Names As ‘Facebook’ & ‘Whatsapp’ But They Are Not The Same

  1. Open the App and Press on ‘Settings’ then select ‘Messaging’ > Scroll down until you see the ‘Messaging’ option at the bottom of the list > Under this option select ‘Add New App’ > After adding an app name go to the menu of the app > Select ‘Settings’ > Navigate to the respective section > Add app name > Press OK, save changes. Once done, when setting is done, exit the application with that app name or you can go to the search bar and request for the desired group from that particular group.
  2. Search the Facebook mobile app by typing ‘Facebook mobile’ in the google search box. If you find anything that resembles your selected group, open it > You will see a blank screen where you can add your new Group Name. Go back to the main page of the Facebook and press on the green button > Select Edit > Save Changes > Finally, tap on delete this Facebook Group.
  3. First, download the iOS App From Play Store > Download it again. Then Download the Android App From Google Play Store then install it on your system > Download and Install it on your system > Start using it > Your new WhatsApp or iMessage would appear as usual. You can also open up WhatsApp / iMessage or anyone else’s account to see their messages, statuses, files, photos and videos on your inbox.
  4. In an iPhone user, under the ‘Messengers’ icon on the top right corner > tap on Profile > tap on Messages > Select All Contacts > Under Contacts Select Create New Contacts > Fill in the required contact details > Click Done and create your new Contacts.
  5. For Android users, firstly Download the application from play store > Download it again > Move it in another folder > Run it > Download & Installing it > Get started > Login from your Facebook then start chatting with people, share different links and send pictures. You can access all WhatsApp features by just opening up your WhatsApp application > Search for a person by using the textbox > Tap on the person who is already present in the chat > Log In > Let them know about the status of your conversation > Follow him/her and start talking > Wait for someone to respond > Reply > Send the image of the picture.
  6. Access the contacts from the Settings on your iPhone > (Tap on Message) > My Contacts > (Tap on My Contacts ) > Contacts > More Contacts > To view all the contact details > Sign out with whatever device you used (phone, iPad, Tablet) > Use another contacts for your chat.
  7. There are more than 2 dozen WhatsApp groups on my phone and I am trying to delete each one one when I get time. However, deleting the wrong ones can lead to serious consequences. So please remember to stick to only one WhatsApp group to avoid unnecessary hassle.

The above-mentioned steps are important to follow and keep in mind. It is necessary to make sure the security features of WhatsApp are turned off because they are likely to let hackers have full access over your chats.