Your Guide to Identifying Local Snakes and Lizards

Grass snake (Natrix natrix)

Snakes and lizards are often mistaken for one another, but there are some key differences between them that can help you tell the two creatures apart with relative ease. This guide will walk you through the most important characteristics to look for when trying to determine whether the snake or lizard in front of you is a harmless pet, or a wild animal that can inflict serious harm to your pets or people nearby. From the shape of their heads to the pattern on their bellies, there are several details about these reptiles that differentiate them from each other.

Why You Should Know How to Identify Snakes and Lizards

Many people on the Sunshine Coast are surprised to learn that we have our own native snakes. You may not see them as often in your back garden, but they’re there! Remember, if you don’t know what snake it is, don’t handle it. Contact Snake Rescue Sunny Coast for a local snake expert who will identify snakes and lizards. They also offer snake removal services, so if you find one in your house or yard they can come remove it safely for you.

Their snake identification service has proven invaluable for some of their customers, like Julie from Hervey Bay: I got a call from my daughter to say she found something in her room which she was sure was a snake. She’s really scared of snakes, Julie said. So I rang Snake Rescue Sunshine Coast, and then phoned my daughter to say that Mum had talked to someone about it.

They came out and identified the snake as being harmless – thankfully! Julie added. I would recommend Snake Rescue Sunshine Coast because they were able to reassure me.

If you want more information about identifying snakes or need help with any other kind of snake-related issue, contact Snake Rescue Sunny Coast today at 0400 736 721!

How to Tell If a Snake or Lizard Is Dangerous

Identification of reptiles is a difficult task, with many factors affecting the potential danger of an animal. However, with the help of local snake experts who identify snakes and lizards, Snake Rescue Sunny Coast can help you identify reptiles in your area. Here are some common characteristics:

  • If a lizard’s mouth is open, it could be a sign of aggression.
  • If a snake has scales that overlap its eyes, it may be dangerous.
  • If there are stripes on the body or head of a snake, it may be venomous or dangerous.

What to Do If You See a Snake or Lizard

If you see a snake or lizard, it’s important to know what type of animal you’re dealing with. Most snakes are harmless as long as they are left alone, but if you want to identify what kind of snake or lizard it is, call Snake Rescue Sunny Coast at 0400 736 721. If this number is not available, call your local animal control office for help. For safety reasons, don’t approach the snake or go near where it is located. You can also call your local snake experts who identify snakes and lizards at 0400 736 721 if you prefer that option.

Where to Find Local Snake and Lizard Experts

The best place to start your search for local snake experts who can identify snakes and lizards is online. For example, the Snake Rescue Sunny Coast page has a list of members in their area with information about what they do. If you live outside the area, there are other organizations you can contact, such as Reptile Rescue Queensland or the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. These organizations help reptiles who have been injured or displaced from their natural habitats. They offer advice on how to care for a reptile as well as information about where you can find other services for reptiles in your area.