Full-Time Equivalent FTE: Definition, Meaning, Calculation, Formula


full time equivalent definition

Full Time Equivalent” or “FTEmeans full time equivalent of GCOR research and development personnel including direct and indirect costs. Sometimes one person can be your FTE 100%, or FTE 1.0, which is another way to call it. An FTE calculation for all employees in a company needs to be rounded down to the nearest whole number (usually, 1.0 FTE or greater). To track employee work hours and decide whether your employees are full-time equivalents, there are a lot of great tools for tracking teams. Within this method, the employee is credited with 40 hours for each week when payment was due . In the end, round this down to the nearest whole number , and add the 2 full-time employees to get the final FTE . 💡To track employee work hours and decide whether your employees are full-time equivalents, try Clockify, our free time tracker for teams.

In this case, two part-time workers would count as 1.0 FTE, and four part-time workers would count as 2 FTE. Various combinations can be created depending on the needs of the business. The results will reflect the actual full-time payroll of the company. These metric is particularly important when companies are comparing themselves with industry averages or with close competitors. All the above-mentioned factors end up costing the company something and affecting its bottom line. For a business, specifically those with a large number of part-time workers, converting worked hours into FTEs is important in helping the company know how many full-time employees the part-time workers are equal to. The ACA establishes that full-time employees are the number of employees who, for a calendar month, averages at least 30 hours per week or 130 hours of work per month.

All you need to know about Full Time Equivalent.

Once you have this information, you can determine how many part-time employees are equal to a full-time employee in terms of FTE. Once you’ve calculated your employee FTE, you can see how many part-time employees it takes to complete the same workload as a full-time employee.

full time equivalent definition

In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of what FTE is, what it entails, and why businesses use it. We’ll also show you how to perform various calculations that involve https://quickbooks-payroll.org/ FTE, and provide you with automatic calculators that will help make the process easier. Companies can also expand the same formula when considering annual hours.

FTE calculation methods for federal programs

Plan for projects based on the number of FTEs required to complete them. Some employees (U.S. citizens or noncitizens) working outside the U.S.

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Now let’s talk about other acronyms with numbers… FTE 100%. What is that?

This metric provides a useful way to measure all of the hours worked by each type of employee thereby helping businesses organize their headcount more effectively. This is particularly true for large organizations that employ a variety of full-time, part-time, and flexible staff. Being able to convert the number of hours worked by their employees into a useful metric can help such organizations determine their workload, realize how to allocate their resources better, and successfully accomplish their projects full time equivalent on time. Lastly, 1380 total available chargeable hours is divided by the total hours for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance acceptance inspections, projects, and repairs). In our example 1200 unscheduled hours plus an estimated 2800 scheduled hours equals 4000 total labor hours. First, a clinical engineering manager will calculate the PM hours, calibration hours, parts replacement hours, travel, etc… Additionally, he or she will add total unscheduled hours to the scheduled hours to an accurate benchmark.

  • The “pay or play” penalty for nonprofit and for-profit organizations, which the IRS determines based on the employer’s 1095-C and 1094-C forms and the employees’ individual tax returns.
  • Your FTE employee is someone who works the entire workweek and his total working amount of hours are 2,800 hours per year, breaking down to 5 days a week, 8 hours per day.
  • For the purposes of calculating FTE, most employers consider a full-time employee one who works between hours a week.
  • However, determining the FTE for Jimmy and Marta requires calculation.
  • This is also known as “the employer mandate” or “the pay or play provisions”.
  • The first step in calculating FTE is to make a complete list of all employees.

When calculating your FTEs for basic accounting or business purposes, the simplest way to do it is to divide total annual work hours for all employees by an average full-time annual work schedule. Standard FTE assumes that typical employees work 40-hour workweeks, five days a week, and eight hours a day. Since there are 52 weeks per year, this equates to an average full-time employee having the opportunity to work a total of 2,080 hours. This number doesn’t reflect sick leave, paid time off, seasonal assistance, or paid overtime. It also doesn’t give you any insight into how those numbers break down across departments and individuals.

What is Full Time Equivalent (FTE)?

FTEs are most widely used by companies to determine their employees’ workload, with the perspective of trying to determine how many part-time employees and the hours they work add up to the same number of hours worked by full-time employees. It is critical for accounting purposesand determining wages, and for calculating the company’s expenses when paying its workers. Full-time equivalent is a unit to measure the total number of hours employees work.

full time equivalent definition

Moreover, project managers and budget analysts also use the FTE unit of measure to estimate how many hours (i.e. full-time schedules) will take to finish a project, and whether the said project will require full-time or part-time employees . They also use it to calculate labor costs for the expected project workload and subsequently define the amount of funds needed to carry out the project to its end. To calculate the number of full-time equivalent employees, the total number of hours worked is compared with the number of hours that represent an official weekly full-time schedule in a company (e.g. 40 hours per week). The primary purpose of the full-time equivalent metric is to help in project management.

She has experience working as an accountant in public accounting firms, nonprofits, and educational institutions, and has also honed her communication skills via an MA in English, writing jobs, and as a teacher. She received her CPA from the Accountancy Board of Ohio in 1994 and has a BS in Business Administration/Accounting. A resource has a personal calendar with shifts set for 8 hours a day. For Tasks and Investments, the work effort amounts are converted to % Availability using the Standard Calendar because the multiple resources may have different calendar exceptions and the calculation can only use 1 availability rate. Clarity computes the total number of hours and uses the Standard Calendar to convert it up thru the Task WBS and up to the Investment.