Best Guide To Writing A Remarkable Introduction For Assignment

Remarkable Introduction

An introduction is an outline, a presentation of the key concepts, and the purpose of your assignment. Every college and school in the world give its students assignments to write, and the introduction is the section which contributes a lot to the assignment’s success. A good and remarkable introduction grabs the attention of the reader and explains the importance of the assignment to him, along with the key ideas.

Do you know how to write an assignment introduction? As guessed, you do not know about it. Well, there is no need to worry at all. In today’s article, we will discuss the guidelines for writing a remarkable introduction for an assignment. So, let’s get started.

Top Guidelines For Writing An Excellent Assignment Introduction

An introduction serves multiple purposes. The most important of all is that it piques the interest of your readers and makes them read the assignment till the last sentence. However, to achieve this purpose, first, you need to craft a good introduction in your assignment. Hence, the guidelines for writing such an introduction are as follows:

Start With A Hook Sentence

The first and most important guideline is that you should start the assignment with a hook sentence. This sentence is provocative, information-based, or fact-based. It is sometimes the unexpected information that you give to your reader that grabs his attention. The hook sentence mostly comes at the start of the assignment, and it is the first thing that your reader reads in your assignment. Hence, start the assignment with an enthralling opening sentence.

Provide Topic Background

The next thing that you need to include in your assignment introduction to make it remarkable is the topic background. It is a short outline of your chosen assignment topic. A topic background helps you write a remarkable introduction as it helps the readers understand what the assignment is about and what they should expect in the coming paragraphs. Do not expand here, just be brief and explain the background in a concise manner.

Focus On The Audience

The purpose of writing an introduction is to explain to the readers what the assignment is about and grab their attention until the last sentence. However, you can only achieve this when you keep the focus on your audience. When you keep the audience in view, your ideas automatically get shaped in a way that impresses the readers. Make it a bit personal and touch the reader’s senses in order to be effective.

Create A Thesis Statement

Creating a thesis statement is the key part of writing a remarkable introduction. If the hook sentence grabs the attention of your reader, a thesis statement gives him a reason to keep reading. In simple words, you can say that a thesis statement is the heart of an assignment introduction. It must be logical and informative. The thesis statement presents the ultimate objective of your assignment and the supporting evidence. However, if you cannot craft a good thesis statement, hire the best assignment writing service in UK.

Keep It Simple

Filling the introduction of your assignment with loads of information is not a good way to write it. Such a practice is just going to make your introduction dull and uninviting for the readers. If you keep on adding information over the information in your assignment, this practice will make the introduction more confusing and un-understandable for the readers. Therefore, you should keep it simple and write it in a direct way.

Come Up With Powerful Words

Using powerful words or keywords in your assignment introduction makes it more remarkable and effective. Such words convey the meaning of your assignment clearly and also convey your emotion to the reader effectively. Words such as “imagination,” “focus,” and “exploit” are examples of such words. However, when using these words, make sure that you use only the ones that are most appropriate.

Keep The Conclusion In Mind

A conclusion is the round-up of the information that you discuss in the introduction. So, when writing or aiming for a remarkable introduction, you should keep the conclusion in mind. Think about how you will end the assignment and craft the introduction in that way. Also, if you cannot think of a conclusion at this stage. It is better to craft the introduction section after writing the conclusion or finishing the other sections of the assignment.


Conclusively, writing a remarkable introduction for your assignment is not difficult at all if you know how to write it. By following the guidelines mentioned above, we guarantee that you can write an excellent introduction for your assignment. All you need to do is read all the guidelines given above and follow them. Most importantly, start the introduction with a hook sentence.