Become A Private Home Tutor : Teach From Home and Make Your Own Hours

become a Private Home Tutor

The Private Home Tutor industry has exploded in recent years, as more and more students need extra help with their school work. But the important question here is will it help your child? A private home tutor is a flexible student-centered approach provided by a personal instructor or a teacher outside of school. The main purpose of home tutoring is to help kids to achieve their study goals. 

Most parents often behave dubiously about hiring a home tutor. Some find it beneficial whereas some parents find it an extra burden in their children’s schedule. Private tuitions are a great way for self-employment. It’s low cost to get started and gives a chance to work with young minds. 

Due to a number of reasons, children have become a little demotivated and that is severely affecting their performance at school. While we know grades can’t always reflect a child’s intelligence, they still are deemed essential. Consequently, parents are considering starting home tuitions for their children to give them support in both ways – academically and emotionally.

In this guide let us guide you through some benefits, skills, and steps of becoming a private home tutor.  

Benefits of Becoming a Private Home Tutor

Believe it or not, becoming a private tutor comes with countless benefits and perks. 

It’s Rewarding!

The salary of teachers is a matter of much debate. Many teachers are underpaid in the school. While teachers in government schools are under viewing of the national pay commission, and whereby, are entitled to reasonable industry matching packages. 

Online teaching jobs are more profitable than school teaching jobs. In fact, in recent years reportedly, private tutors can make more money than full-time teachers. Sometimes the amount will vary depending on location and your subject expertise. 

Flexible Hours

Balancing work and personal life can be hard. But, by becoming a private home tutor you can easily pick and choose your working hours. Unlike most traditional jobs, home tutors work with a plan that suits their schedule, and also they can simply communicate with their students to arrange sessions at a time, giving students the flexibility of pursuing their other interests. 

Same as your flexible schedule you need adaptable software to manage your online bookings with students. Go with Picktime, a free tutoring lesson booking software. With Picktime, schedule a one-on-one or high-class booking and manage your waitlist, online calendar, attendance, payments, class reminders, detailed reports, and many more all in one place. Picktime offers customizable bookings based on your time and day slots so that the students can book a session with you without you even getting involved. 

A Good Start

Choosing to be a private home tutor is a friendly alternative for people who are at the beginner stage and are new to the business. It could become intimidating if you’re new and have to teach a large group of people. Private home teaching, on the other hand, provides a calm and controlled environment. Once you’re familiar with how the teaching job works, you can decide what type of tutor you want to become based on your preferences.

Skills Needed to Be A Tutor

Whether you’re considering working as a full-time teacher or planning to work from home and make your own hours, what skills you have and how you’re presenting them have a significant impact. 


Strong communication skills are a must to engage with students to help them learn. Successful teaching is generally considered more percent of communication skills than knowledge. A teacher should be proficient in four modes of communication – writing, reading, listening and speaking.

Studies have found that the student’s progress is directly related to interactive and forthcoming teachers. In addition, when teachers communicate concerns and show care through their tone of voice there are more chances of manifesting genuine affection with their students. Therefore, effective communication with your students is extremely important. Not only will this help you in performing well, but it could bring out positive results from your students. 

Time Management

Teachers juggle classrooms, exam prep, lessons prep, and extracurricular and it could become challenging to manage their time productively and cope with the workload. Taking control of your time reduces distractions and results in getting more things done even under high and tight pressures. Some time management tips to help you manage your workload. 

  • Make A List
  • Sort Out Your Goals
  • Prioritize the Important Tasks
  • Cut Out Distractions
  • Take Breaks

Subject Specific Knowledge

When starting as a private home tutor it’s essential to have a strong grasp of the subject you’re going to teach. Consider preparing lessons in advance, and participating in events in order to stay updated about the teaching methods. Do not just assume you’ll handle the process, prepare your own revision technique and tests. Nothing is ever straightforward in education. Whether the teacher is a subject specialist or generalist – they should have a wide range of skills and attitudes if they’re committed to the success of their students. 

Technical Knowledge

Technical knowledge is another way to become an effective teacher. Sometimes it’s difficult to accept that they need technical skills along with their core subject knowledge. Of course, you don’t need to be tech-savvy but some knowledge can help you out in conducting online sessions whenever needed.

Steps to become a Tutor 

Teaching is a fulfilling and self-satisfactory job with a good income source. All you need is to find your expertise and start teaching. But as discussed above without proper planning, things could go wrong. So let’s go on a drill and note down the steps to becoming a private home tutor and make your own hours. 

Updated CV 

Your CV is the best way to showcase your potential to your clients. Make sure to not rush in the step, make a solid profile and proclaim your qualifications, certifications, and other skills. Constructing a CV is like giving your introduction to the parents that might be interested in you. It’s not necessary to have big tutoring experience, but you can mention any education-related experience you have. 

When preparing your CV think about the particular subjects you have the most experience and qualifications in or the stream you did your major in. Depending upon that concentrate and put your efforts to score students in that stream only. 

Decide Your Charges 

I don’t have any experience. I should settle with the minimum amount!

Never go with this notion whenever deciding on the charges for your services. Consider a few points when deciding on charges:

  • Current Market Rates
  • Number of Students In A Batch
  • Classes and Subjects You Will be Teaching
  • Number of Hours or Days of Your Classes

Consider these factors and decide rates justified for both parents and yourself. 


If you’re not getting favorable results, consider promoting yourself. Sign up for free tutoring sites. When signing up keep in mind your profile is going to attract new students. Make sure to create a profile that stands out and advertises you well. Ask for referrals and don’t forget to put your name on social media platforms. Apart from that, use traditional advertising – distribute brochures, word of mouth, and interact with students personally looking for tutors. 

Because of the expectations placed on students, academic tutoring is high in demand, which makes it a thriving business opportunity. If you’re thinking about starting as a private home tutor and making your own hours, it’s the right time for action. Choose your expertise and get started!